Membership of an association that promotes member interests to national, state and local instrumentalities
Industry newsletter including current happenings, coming events, meetings and new members
Two Conferences each year with key business enhancement seminars and selected technical presentations, one generally held in Melbourne or Sydney in May, and the other at an alternative location in September/October. Note: The COVID-19 pandemic has required some adjustment to conference capability.
AWIA web site containing - Member contacts, products and services information plus hyperlink to member e-mail addresses and websites; Technical data and standards
Access to our affiliated Associations including American Fencing Association (AFA), Australian Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steel ltd (ACRS), Institute of Spring Technology (IST), Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI), Wire Association International (WAI)
Networking opportunities with your industry peers at National and Regional meetings
Membership to our other Associations as applicable - AFIA, RSMA, TFAA at no extra cost
Use of the AWIA and other applicable association logos for your signage and stationery
Information and technical support
Input to the maintenance and revision of Australian, and joint Australian and New Zealand, Standards
The Temporary Fencing Association Australasia is a non-profit organisation formed as part of the AWIA to encourage and promote the interests of temporary fencing manufacturers, suppliers and hirers in promoting quality products to recognised Australian standards wherever possible.
Membership applications are subject to selection criteria as stated in the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules.
Full annual membership subscription is $650.00.* SBE membership for companies with 6 employees or less is $380.00*. Associate membership for auxiliary suppliers is $365.00*. New Zealand membership is $210.00*.
* Payment by cheque, direct deposit, BPay or credit card
Cheques payable to Australasian Wire Industry Association
The Director/Secretary, Australasian Wire Industry Association
PO Box 1210G, Greythorn, VIC, 3104, Australia
Direct deposit to AWIA account
BSB: 062 401 Account Number: 1003 5119 Account Name: AWIA
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