The AWIA has a number of strategic partners and affiliated associations to provide our members with a range of products and services. We encourage all of our members to make use of these products and services. These have proven to be very beneficial for our members who have uitilised them.

Industrial Relations Law - Citation Group

Interpreting modern awards, enterprise agreements and bargaining, redundancy and restructures – these are just some of the areas Citation HR’s experts can assist with. In addition, Citation Safety, a sub-brand within Citation Group, can support businesses with all aspects of workplace health and safety.

From their 24/7 HR Advice Line and their Compliance Training Centre to the HR software and Advice Promise, Citation HR has a suite of people management solutions to streamline, automate and protect your business.

Whether your business has an existing HR function and requires additional support, or you need a complete HR solution, the team at Citation HR can partner with you.

Development & Managed IT - Digital Catalyst

Digital Catalyst is a web development, systems integration, infrastructure and managed IT solutions provider to the association and its members.

Their approach makes no hard-coded assumptions about your business model. Most IT platforms and development solutions get delivered with an application mindset; i.e. what's in the box. Digital Catalyst's approach is a framework mindset; i.e. how can we tailor a solution for you.

Their approach widens the scope of the offering, tailoring design and functionality, handling security, and future upgrade-ability.

Our Associations